Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Howling at the Moon

There's a full moon tonight and it calls to my heart. I wish I could be on the beach watching the light reflecting off the waves and listening to the music of the tides. Instead, I'll share a song that always comes to mind when I look up at a full moon.

This is from a 1993 movie called "That Thing Called Love," starring Samantha Mathis, River Phoenix, Sandra Bullock, and Dermot Mulroney. It's an underrated movie that had some pretty good music.

I have a dream of my own
And it's mine and mine alone
It's been my friend since I was just a girl
It has a life, it has a heart
It has a soul and it's a part
Of everything this woman gives the world

And it's a big dream
Big enough to share
Like a rainbow, hanging in the air
And I thank God, for making it come true
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too

There's a full moon tonight
And I'm bathing in its light
Naked as the day that I was born
There is no shame beneath this sky
I have kissed the past good bye
And mended up my broken heart so torn

With a sweet sound only I can make
And it gets stronger 
With every breath I take
And it's all a part of making me brand new
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too
Makes me think maybe God's a woman too

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