Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Lullaby of the Rain

It was gray, dreary, and cold today. Little showers of rain occasionally, but mostly just a dismal-looking day with a damp chill and the threat of rain. When there's a day like that, I just want it to go ahead and rain. If you're going to take away my sunshine, there should at least be something pleasant to replace it. I don't mind rain at all, it's the gray skies that accompany it that bother me.

Now, tonight, I hear the rain on my roof and against my windows. Because it's nighttime I don't have to look at dreary clouds, so it can rain and rain without me being the slightest bit upset. In fact, I love the sound of the rain when I go to sleep. There's nothing quite like that noise, and even the distant rumbling of thunder, to lull me into the land of dreams. And that's where I'm off to now, so I'll leave you with a lovely quote from Langston Hughes: "Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby."

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