Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Power to the Positive!

I turned to Declan yesterday morning and said, "You know what? Today is going to be a good day. No, it's going to be a great day!" He looked at me dubiously, "Mom, you don't know. It could be a really bad day. It might not be a good day at all." I sighed. That's the problem with the world today: not enough positive thinking, no contagious enthusiasm, a stubborn need to focus on the cloud and discount its silver lining.

Now I understand that there is some comfort in having low (or no) expectations because then the good things that happen are always a bonus, but this seems more like daily expectations that something will go wrong or bad things will happen. I just can't face my day that way!

So I explained to Declan that the attitude you have when you approach the day is just as important as what actually happens that day. If you go in thinking that it's going to be bad, you won't see the good. If you greet someone with a frown, you'll probably get a frown in return; but if you smile, chances are that you'll get a smile back and everyone will be happier.

It worked. Yesterday we both had great days. So today as we walked out the door to head to school, I turned to Declan with a smile and said, "You know what? Today is going to be a great day -- even better than yesterday! Whatcha think, Declan?" He grinned back at me, "Right, Mom. I think it's going to be a really good day."

And you know what? It was! To quote my wise friend Bill, "Power to the positive!" Keep smilin', people!

1 comment:

  1. So true Miz Kathi..

    So much is lost to negative attitudes and thinking and then, when there really is a problem, I have adopted an engineering credo....WORK IT OUT.
