Sunday, January 6, 2013

Unexpected Poetry

Yes, I'm a writer. Generally words flow from my pen or fingertips with ease whether directed to a topic or in response to communication. Sometimes, however I need inspiration to find the right words. But every now and again, something amazing happens: I will put my fingers on the keyboard or pen on the paper and the words just come without guidance or thought. It's as if they were there waiting like kids in line for recess, all in perfect order, for me to just open the door and let them out.

That happened today. And whether it sprang from thoughts that lingered in my mind since I heard about a possible suicide last night, or just arose from an unconscious need to address my own quietly nagging self- doubt, an unexpected bit of poetry emerged on this rainy day. Yesterday I remarked that I love the feel on pen on it was absolute magic. This is what magic looks like:

With only minimal polish added since it touched the notebook page, here it is:

Words for a Rainy Day

On days when happiness eludes your grasp
And the skies are dark with clouds,
Remember that you have an inner shimmer
And a light that can't be doused.
Don't let your head fill with doubt
Or your heart find trouble where there's none.
Wrap yourself in words and song
And know that you are loved.
All you have and all you are
Will always be enough.

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